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The Hard Truth: Abs are Made in the Kitchen

Cue the eye rolls. “Abs are made in the kitchen” isn’t a new saying. It’s something we’ve probably all heard for years but dangit, we don’t want to accept it! With warm weather rolling in, now is the season that most of us are craving those elusive abs. 

If you’re already working out with us at Tally Ho, then congrats. You have built-in daily workouts to help you build core strength. You also have access to a wealth of knowledge when it comes to nutrition. 

The best way to achieve washboard abs is to dial in your nutrition. Keep an ear out for our next macro challenge, because that is the time to really zero in on your nutrition and dial in your diet to meet your specific goals. 

If you’re in between challenges or missed the boat, consider incorporating the below strategies into your diet to help you achieve a flatter tummy: 


Tip #1: Do a quick nutrition clean-up 

There are a few food categories that are big culprits in sabotaging our dreams of getting a six pack. These include….processed foods, sugars and processed carbs. Aka, it may be time to ditch the drive-thru and limit how much you eat out. By limiting processed foods and sugars, you can make room for the healthier options like veggies, nuts, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats. 


Tip #2: Drink up

Even though it’s summertime and Jimmy Buffet seems to be serenading us to come on down to the beach and forget our worries,  consider limiting alcohol intake and swapping out the booze with more H20. If you’ve never committed to a strict nutrition plan, this is a great place to start. Focus on limiting or eliminating booze for a week. Then, move on to replacing processed foods with more whole food choices. Baby steps! 


Tip #3: Get a buddy

We can’t stress this enough — goals are easier to meet when you’re working in a team! Find someone in the gym who also craves a six pack and commit to cleaning up your diet together. Or, get your spouse involved. Having someone in your own home who also shares the same goal is incredibly powerful. 

We hope these tips help! As always, feel free to reach out to a coach or hop on our private page if you need some extra encouragement. We are here for you. 

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