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How to Incorporate Meditation and Stretching into Your Daily Routine

Like eating your veggies and making your bed, meditating and stretching are included on the list of “things I know I SHOULD be doing but can never find the time.” 

We get it (and we definitely don’t judge because hey…life is crazy and who has time for another task on the to-do list?) 

However, the benefits of meditating and stretching are huge. Let’s start with meditation. 

Forget the cliché image you may have in your mind of a big-bellied Buddha sitting Indian-style on a shag rug. Meditation has come a long way since the 60’s and 70’s. Meditation can take on a myriad of forms. All you really need is a couple minutes, a quiet place and some deep breathing. 

Because meditation has the power to clear the mind and reset the body, we love practicing meditation early in the morning before our minds get flooded with work, kids, chores, etc. Start by setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier than you normally would. Find a quiet corner of your house or apartment (or front porch if the weather allows!) and sit down. Then, ask yourself these questions to get yourself centered… 


  1. Question: “What’s something I’m grateful for?” (Tip — your answer can be as unassuming and “mundane” as you like. Instead of thinking of the “big” things like your family, your career or your faith, pick out something small like… “I’m thankful for my morning coffee. It tastes incredible and I love the way it makes the kitchen smell in the morning.” Or…. “I had a really great conversation with my sister on the phone yesterday. I’m thankful we’re friends and I’m able to talk to her.” Keep it small, keep it simple, and your mind will begin “searching” for these simple pleasures every day. 
  1. Question: “How do I want to ‘show up’ today?” (Tip — this question can help you set your attitude for the day. For example, if you have a big meeting at work or a tough conversation you need to have with a loved one, ask yourself how you’d like to “show up” for that event. Do you want to be calm and collected? Do you want to be thorough and to the point? Decide how you’d like to show up for your day. 
  1. Question: “How can I focus on my breath?” (Tip — this is not so much a question as an action. Slowly turn down the volume on your mind’s chatter and focus on one thing. Your breath. Breathe in and breath out. Notice how the air fills your chest and then slowly release it. We promise you…this may sound simple, but it’s powerful! 

If you’d like more guidance in your meditation practice, consider downloading a mobile app that focuses specifically on meditation. We recommend Headspace and Calm! 

Once your mind is cleared, get your stretch on! Here are some quick tips for how to make stretching an easy and enjoyable part of your day: 


  • Burn a candle while you stretch. Pick a favorite scent and sink into some well-deserved “me time.” 
  • Invest in a yoga mat (because let’s be honest…no one wants rug burn). 
  • Find a Youtube channel that has guided stretches (there are hundreds!) 
  • Set a timer on your phone for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Hold a pose for that entire duration, allowing your body to really sink into the stretch and receive its benefits. 

If you have any questions about meditation and stretching, feel free to reach out to a coach. While we are not “the masters” on these topics (no one is!) we would love to learn and grow with you in this area. 

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